Friday, August 12, 2011


Have you looked at my project list lately? I have. I am behind. I took a road trip to see friends who might as well be family, and I let everything go (plus it was wishful thinking anyway ;) that I could get all of that done). It was nice to see them and forget self-imposed deadlines. Now the student teaching thing is about to start. I do not see a lot of progress being made starting Monday. With that said, do not look for a lot of posts. I will do what I can and work on projects. I will post as much as I can (example I will probably tell you about the fabric shopping I made on my trip) but do not expect a lot of stuff between here and December. I hope that I can get a lot of sewing stuff between now and then, but I am going to be student teacher crazy. See you on the other side! Wish me luck!

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