Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2015 Challenges/ Resolutions

This past year I made a few quilty challenges/ resolutions:

2014 Challenges/ Resolutions

This is new for me and maybe a little late in the month to post. I do not make New Year's challenges or resolutions, although I usually have a few plans. This year I have plans, but I want to put them here so that I will feel more of a push to complete them.

So, plans/ challenges/ resolutions for 2014:

Crown Royal quilt-I have been promising a quilt for my husband made out of the bags that he has saved over more than a decade. I have been gathering inspiration on
Pinterest. So many possibilities and possibly more than one quilt with what I have. I hope to have it finished by December. That should be plenty of time.

Three "Finishing the Unfinished" quilt tops-as I have stated, I have three more quilt tops to finish for my friend. I plan to have these finished before mid May.
Also, I hope to make a series on my blog using this title. I have in the past finished quilt tops that others have made. I feel that there are many quilt tops that should be finished, and I plan to continue this.

I also currently have two baby quilts to make with varying completion dates.

That is really all the quilty goals I have planned this year. I am sure there will be a lot more quilt than these six, but this is a good start, right?

I have a really big non-quilt goal/plan for this summer-fall. Let's just hope it works out.
As I am sure you have noticed, I did not complete most of this. That is not to say that I haven't worked on any of it or even thought about it.
I worked on the Crown Royal quilt several times, but never got things rolling.
I finished one of the quilt tops for my friend and will get on that for the other two. I have backing fabric already; I just never worked any further on the other two. They are next on my list after I finish a t-shirt quilt that needs to be finished asap.
I did finish the two baby quilts and several more, as expected.
Most of all I wanted to complete the  last goal. I concentrated on it more that any thing, and it really took a lot of my time. It in many ways drained me. It is a BIG life goal that will continue to draw much of my attention.
So, what about challenges/ resolutions for 2015?
*t-shirt quilt Feb. 2015
*finish friend's quilt tops (#1 Mar. 2015)
*Auburn Strip quilt (top finished: Mar)
*Jewel Tone quilt
*Crown Royal quilt
*hound's-tooth quilt (top finished: Mar)
*Batik Slash Sash (top finished: Feb)
*BIG life goal

I have put these on my white board at home with dates. I plan to get most of these quilts finished before June and the Crown Royal quilt before August. With these written where I can see them, I am sure I will have  better success rate in 2015.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

2016 Finished

 I am in LOVE with this quilt. Be prepared for photo overload.
Go Tigers!
Look at the date quilted in the back! It looks so good! Also, this is black with white dot fabric. I am not sure why it looks grey, but I just had to show this picture.

I looked and looked for a fabric that I liked for the backing but could not find what I imagined. So, I looked in my stash for something else that would work. I found this black fabric with white dots and then added the white fabric and the white with black crisscross lines. It is not what I envisioned, but it is better.

I had planned to use the black fabric for the binding, but I used more than I thought I would in the quilt and did not have enough left for the binding. So, I used some of the other fabric that I had left over and I think that looks really wonderful also.
It was well received and treasured. Although this was made for a momma, she plans to use this for all sorts of graduation stuff next year. I am ecstatic that could make this happen for her. It seems that I am most excited that she plans to use this to keep warm at games.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Serenity Quilting

I really felt this quilt needed some extra quilting to give it some dimension.
So, I divided each block into four...

...then I got out my headphones and a cup to draw petals.

 Then I went to town sewing petals. This is about the best way for me to make these look good. I have to draw a sewing guide line.
All finished.
I really like how the quilting turned out. It really adds to the quilt.
Now to bind it.